CodeDay Bay Area

A campaign by Sanil Chawla

  • $0
    Raised of $1,000
  • 0
0 %
This campaign will keep all money sponsored.
Note: For this campaign, would you please contact the sponsorship campaign directly to become a sponsor.
A campaign by Sanil Chawla
1 campaigns, 0 Sponsorships
CodeDay Bay Area

CodeDay isn't just another event. CodeDay changes lives.

CodeDay is a nationwide 24-hour programming marathon for all students run by StudentRND, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit aimed to make students fall in love with coding. This November 7-8, CodeDay will take place in over 30 cities across the US, attracting many thousands of students. And CodeDay Bay Area is expected to be the largest CodeDay in the nation, with nearly 250 expected attendees.

CodeDay gives any student, regardless of ethnicity, gender, wealth, or background, the opportunity to learn how to code. It gives them the opportunity to learn a skill that will last their time. It gives them the opportunity to make a living.

CodeDay gives them the opportunity to change their life.

For Sponsorship Information, Please Contact The Event Organization Directly:

And by donating or sponsoring, you can help make this happen.