Life Troops

A campaign by Admin

  • $0
    Raised of $1,500
  • 0
0 %
This campaign will keep all money sponsored.
Note: For this campaign, would you please contact the sponsorship campaign directly to become a sponsor.
A campaign by Admin
22 campaigns, 2 Sponsorships
Life Troops

We hope that you enjoy the various areas of interest in which you can visualize the impact, the character, the dedication of our service members who so bravely give of themselves around the world.
LifeTroops, Inc is always looking to partner / network with those charities, churches, and communities whose passion it is to support our troops.

Our MISSION offers a faith-based outreach program. Encompassing the 'MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT' curriculum and support systems, to meet the SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL, AND PHYSICAL needs of service members and their families home as well as deployed.