Please support the Vaccination and Neutering of Sri Lankan Strays !

A campaign by Dog Care Clinic

Please support the Vaccination and Neutering of Sri Lankan Strays !

Since October 2007, we have carried out around 5,000 neuterings of dogs in Kandy
and 45,000 dogs in the Southern area around Mihiripenna!
Esp. due to our additional frequent field trips this number is constantly rising....

On every assignment an additional average of 90 - 120 dogs is neutered -
the only sustainable way to stop the re-population and the ever increasing number of
street dogs in Sri Lanka.
With the additional examinations and vaccinations we also have the big opportunity to
reduce rabies, yellow fever, distemper parasites and other infectious diseases.
This in turn enables interaction of humans and animals without risks of infections.

This project is frequently carried out in many different communities.
The Dog Care Clinic has a complete 'Rolling Medical Team' - unfortunately this Team
still has to be funded almost completely by Marina Moebius.

We are therefore highly dependent on YOUR financial assistance and support!