Tennessee Valley Jazz Society (TVJS)

A campaign by Howard

  • $0
    Raised of $5,000
  • 0
0 %
This campaign will keep all money sponsored.
Note: For this campaign, would you please contact the sponsorship campaign directly to become a sponsor.
A campaign by Howard
1 campaigns, 0 Sponsorships
Tennessee Valley Jazz Society (TVJS)

We, the Tennessee Valley Jazz Society (TVJS) would like to request that your company/business considers becoming a Sponsor of TVJS and not just for Jazz-N-June but for our Jazz-N-Schools and our Youth Development Programs. Please review this request and each of the accompanying documents and consider becoming a lifetime sponsor and partner for our kids.

We know that thousands of our youth are not receiving and do not have access to various educational and training resources that will benefit their academic development. The recent news about Alabama 8th graders being last in the country in Math is very disturbing….where is the outcry! Given the support we need, together we can turn that statistic around in a few years! Through our program, we emphasize the Math, Science, Reading and character in the art form of jazz music and the sport of golf.

