Destination: Derby


Destination: Derby
Signed up September 11, 2014

'Destination: Derby' is the collective name for the participating members of an epic roller derby journey into the United States and beyond.
We are comprised of a team of roller derby players with differing levels, plus skating and non-skating officials. Our team consists of participants from both the United States and Canada, and we travel to visit roller derby leagues, hoping to acquire knowledge and new skills in the ever-growing sport of roller derby.

We strive to maintain a positive and fulfilling learning environment for all of our participants. As a team, we are on a journey of improvement and self-empowerment. We learn from the leagues we visit, and we take back with us the skills we need to be successful as teammates and individuals. We also strive to be the ambassadors for all roller derby players and officials who have struggled with hardships, injuries, and obstacles, and to those who have overcome those obstacles through self-awareness, freedom, and self-worth. We hope to represent the sport of roller derby in the most positive way possible, and share our experiences with fellow roller derby players and leagues all over the world.

Our itinerary will include the following states: Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma, and will take place between August 1 – 23, 2015. Through fundraising, sponsorship and amalgamations with interested organizations and events, we hope to acquire the funds possible to take our participants on the journey of a lifetime.
If you are interested in finding out more about “Destination: Derby”, the journey and its participants, email us at and please check us out at and on Twitter at: www.twitter/DestinationDerb - we are also on Instagram at www.instagram/destinationderby
You can visit our blog at


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Support 'Destination: Derby' and its Participants

by Destination: Derby
Our goal is to acquire the sponsorship needed to help fund our journey of improvement and self empowerment.
0% $0 Sponsorship Campaign
Funded Sponsored